English Teacher
1st Session
Daily Routines.

Task 1

Let´s watch the following video about "My daily routines".
Copy the daily routines that you hear.
You have here some more daily routines, and then follow the steps to create a "Wheel Routine"

1st STEP: Create a Daily Routine Wheel from Monday to Friday in your notebook.
2nd STEP: Then, take a photo.
3rd STEP: Upload the photo to your English portfolio with an explanation.

Task 2

What time is it?
Answer the following questions:
At what time do you get up?
At what time do you do your homework?
At what time do you practice sport?
At what time do you go to bed?

1st STEP: Draw a clock in your notebook.
2nd STEP: Ask the question "What do you do at X? to 12 different students in the class.
3rd STEP: Write their answers in the right portion.
4th STEP: When you finish, stick it in your notebook.
Grammar: Present simple

Create a Visual Thinking about the Present simple. (LEO 15%)

Task 3

1st STEP: Read each sentence on the worksheet and choose a classmate that you think the statement might be true for.
2nd STEP: Then write the person's name at the beginning of the sentence in the space provided, e.g. 'Jose drinks tea at breakfast'. You can only have the same name once.
3rd STEP: When you have completed all the sentences, go around the class, find the classmate you have named in each sentence and ask them a present simple yes/no question with 'Do you...?
E.g. 'Jose, do you drink tea at breakfast?' The classmate replies 'Yes, I do' or 'No, I don't'..
4th STEP: Put a tick or a cross next to the statement, depending on whether your guess is right or wrong.
5th STEP: Finally, ask a present simple follow-up question and write the information in the last column. E.g. At what time do you drink the tea?
At 7.
6th STEP: When you finish, stick it in your notebook.
UNIT 5: Daily Routines.
Daily routines phrases. Make and do. The Present Simple.
UNIT 2:This is my school.
School verbs, subjects and education. Present simple and routines.