English Teacher
3rd Session
Does your town have...?
Task 1

Does your hometown have any of these features?
high-rise buildings a double-decker bus a cobbled street a waterfront promenade a famous landmark heavy traffic neon lights a distinctive telephone box a commercial district a pedestrian zone an opera house a theatre or cinema
Let´s remember and learn some vocabulary about places in the city and directions.
Write four sentences as in the example, using there is/are (present) and there was/were (past) and the previous vocabulary:
E.g. There was a theater in Castro in the past but there isn´t one now.

Task 2

Write four sentences as in the example, using usually + present simple (present habit) and "used to" (past habit) and the previous vocabulary:
E.g. I usually go for a walk on Saturday morning.
I used to play in the park when I was three.