1st Session Wonder

First, we remember the previous vocabulary with the first word vocabulary game:
Task 1

Then we will learn some words with this root and their meaning, and create a spider-diagram with them and the app Go Conqr or genially and upload to your portfolio (10%):
Task 2

Copy and answer the following questions in your notebook:
What is a wonder for you?
Name something wonderful.
What do you wonder about this UBPI?

Task 3

Let´s have a look to the following link .
Here we can find a lot of questions about anything
And sure we have also a lot of questions. To answer these ones we will have Our Wonder Wall in class.
Students have a lot of questions, but how often do we give them an opportunity to ask them? Whenever students have questions, they can post them on the wall, and periodically I will give them a chance to research some answers.

We remember first the structure of the questions words:
Am I.....? How can I.....? How many..... are there...?
Has it got a...? Why have I got...? Is there a ...?
Can You.....? Where can you....? How much ... is there....?