3rd Session
The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World
Task 1

Watch the following images and complete the Thinking routine in your notebook:
What can you see?
What do you think?
What do you WONDER?
How do you feel?
Then, we share the answers with the class.
In the first picture, there is only one photo. The rest are drawings Do you know why?
Some of the images are religious buildings. Do you know them?
Let´s learn some new vocabulary about religious buildings.
Task 2

Theory: Ordinal numbers. We remember the ordinal numbers in the following language check
Task 3

Listen to the audio and answer the following question:
Can you name the seven wonders of the ancient world?
Then, we watch, read and answer the questions in the genially presentation: There are seven wonders and each student must answer the questions of the wonder that matches their color (previously we give a sticker of one color to each student):