5th Session To be or not to have

Task 1
Task 2
Unchained sentences: In a circle I say something about me and the following student repeats it and adds something else, and so on.
Ex: I am short / She is short and I am intelligent/ She is short, he is intelligent and I am cool,…

Now draw the students’ attention to the following infographics and remember the form of the verb be and have got.

Now we ask the students to work in pairs.
They have two different sheets: Student A and Student B.
They must not show their pictures to their partners.
In the first exercise they look at their picture and write what they have in the bag.
In the second exercise they write questions asking whether their partner has the same things in their bag . When the students finish writing their questions, they work in pairs and ask and answer in pairs.
In the third exercise, the students look at their bags. Then they look at the objects on the right. They ask their partner whether Jane or David has these things in their bags. They tick or cross out the objects in their pictures

Finally we write on the board the following sentences and the student try to explain why we use or not a particular determiner.
"I want a book. I really like reading books buut I don´t want to read the book on the table. That book isn´t interesting for me. I prefer this book. It´s about adventures".
Task 3

HOMEWORK: Language Check: Verb to be/to have got. With the information on the language check the students complete a graphic organizers and up load to their portfolio. (10%)