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 9th  Session
Movie Etiquette

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Task 1



At the cinema with Mr. Bean.

We watch the video and do the exercise below: 

Answer the following questions:

1. Which film are they going to see?

2. What type of film is it?

3. In which row are they sitting?

4. What are they doing before the film starts?

5. What size are the popcorn containers?

6. What is Mr. Bean wearing?

7. Describe the girl.

8. Do you know what movie etiquette is?

9. Are they following the movie etiquette?

Task 2

We watch the infographic template about movie etiquette in the past and write a sentence in the right place on the chart.  

Task 3


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modals- imperative.png

First, we remember how to do the imperative and learn how to express actions using gerund. Create a visual map and upload it to your portfolio. (LEO 20%>5%)

And here we have some cinema etiquette from now.

STEP 1: With your partner, read and compare them with the previous one.

STEP 2: Later complete the graphic organizer with things you could/couldn´t do, you can/cannot do or you mustn´t.

STEP 3: Write a paragraph to specify these similarities or differences. Use the following frame:

One similarity/difference between .... and .... is....

..... and ..... are similar because they both .....

..... and ..... are rather different because while .... has ......, ....... has......

Whereas ....... is......., ....... is.........

...... is ....... Similarly/ In contrast ....... is......


Task 4


cinema etiquette.JPG

You have to upload the graphic organizer to your portfolio. 

Task 5
Milton exercises 5%

UNIT 9:  modals of ability, can/can’t, be able to, couldn’t.

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