English Teacher
Types of films:
Action films: a film with fights, car chases, etc.
Adventure film: a film with travelling, adventures,…
Animated film: The characters are computer-animated.
Biography/biopic: a film based on the events of someone’s life.
Blue movie: A film that shows a lot of sexual activity.
Cartoon: A short humorous film in which the characters are drawn.
Comedy: A film that tries to make the audience laugh.
Costume drama: a play or film about a particular historical period in which the actors wear clothes typical of that period.
Detective film: a film with police, detectives,…
Documentary: A film that gives facts and information about a subject.
Drama/ melodrama: A film that tells a true story, often shown on TV.
Fantasy film: a film with unreal characters, settings,…
Historical: a film based on historical events.
Horror/Scary movie/Chiller: It frightens the audience.
Musical: a film with songs and dance.
Romance/love story/soap opera (culebrón): a film about a romantic relationship.
Rom com= Romantic comedy: A film that combines comedy with a love story.
Series: several programmes which are part of the same story involving the same characters or events (a crime series, a comedy series).
Sci-fi (science fiction): A film that is set in the future and there are some imaginary scientific developments.
Silent film: a film in which voices and other sounds are not heard, especially a very old film.
Thriller (de suspense): A very exciting story that often involves a crime.
War: a film based on war.
Western: a film about the western United States in the 1800s, usually with cowboys.
Other films:
Blockbuster: A very popular and successful film or play.
B-movie: A film that is made cheaply and is of low quality.
Chick Flick: a romantic film that attacks women.
Feature film: (largometraje): A full-length film that has a story and is acted by professional actors, and which is usually shown in a cinema.
Flop: a film that is a failure at the box-office.
Home movie: an informal film that someone makes themselves, often about their own life and family.
Miniseries: a film made to be shown on television in several parts on different days.
Newsreel (noticiario) is a news report on a film that was shown in cinemas in the past.
Premiere: the first public performance of a play or movie.
Remake: – the second version of a film's narrative.
Sequel: a part added to a book or film that continues and extends it,
Short film. Cortometraje.
Spoiler: information about the plot of a book, movie, or television show that spoils the surprise or suspense for a reader or viewer.
Tearjerker: a book, film, play, etc. that has a sad story intended to make people cry or be sad
Trailer: a series of short extracts from a film, used to advertise it in a cinema or on television.
Trilogy: a group of three films that together compose a larger narrative and are related in theme.
Film elements:
Award (countable noun) is a prize given out for some form of merit or achievement. The word award can also be used as a verb, when awarding prizes for being good at things. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) gives out awards called Oscars every year for excellence in film and cinema.
Budget (presupuesto): The money spent.
Cameo: Short appearance in a film or play by a well-known actor.
Camera shots: high angle shot/ full or long shot/ medium shot/ extreme wide shot/low angle shot/ wide shot/close up.
Clapboard (claqueta): a small black or whiteboard that displays identifying information for each shot in a movie, and is filmed at the beginning of a take.
Costumes: the clothes worn by actors.
Credits (opening/closing credits): The list at the start of the film that tells you the name of the film, the actors, and the director; the words on the screen at the end that tell you who played who, and who was the cameraman, set designer, etc.
FX=Special effects: an unusual image or sound in a film, created artificially using various technical methods.
Prop – an object used by the actors performing in a film
Reel: carrete o bovina de cine.
Review (crítica): A critical article or report about a film.
Rush: The first, unedited print of a movie scene.
Screenplay/script (guion cinema/theater): – a script or text for a film production written with all the dialogues and the essential actions.
Screen test: Short scene filmed to find out if the actor is good in a particular part
Subtitles: Translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen.
Set/Setting: the site where the action takes place in a film.
Soundtrack: The recorded music from a film.
Synopsis: a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument.
At the cinema:
Box-office (taquilla): the place in a theatre/cinema where you can buy your tickets
Multiplex (multicine): A big cinema with many screens.
Screen: a flat surface in a cinema on which pictures or words are shown.
Seats: a piece of furniture that has been designed for someone to sit on.
Stage: the area in a theatre that is often raised above ground level and on which actors or entertainers perform.
Actor/Actress: a performer in theater, television, or film.
Cameraman/woman: Someone who operates a camera for films or television.
Cast (elenco): a collective term for all of the actors/performers appearing in a particular film
Character (alien, wizard, monster, cowboy, ) is the fictitious or real individual in a story, performed by an actor.
Director: the person who directs the making of a film and gives instructions to the actors, cameraman, and other people working on a film or play.
Double = Stuntman: a person replacing the actor in dangerous situations.
Extra: An actor in a film who does not say anything but is part of a crowd.
Film producer: Someone whose job is to control the preparation of a play, film, or broadcast in general, but who does not direct the actor.
Usher (acomodador): Someone who shows people to their seats at a theatre, cinema, wedding etc.
Absorbing – very interesting, keeps your attention for a long time
Action-packed – with a lot of thrilling incidents
Captivating – very exciting
Controversial – causing a lot of discussions or disagreement
Convoluted – overcomplicated
Dreary – dull and uninteresting
Dubbed: having the sounds/speech on a film changed to a different language
Gripping – very interesting
Hilarious – very funny
Intriguing– very interesting in a way that arouses your curiosity
Moving – causing strong emotions (usually in a good way)
Outstanding: extremely good
Overrated – overvalued
Predictable – pretty obvious what is going to happen in each scene
Riveting – keeps you glued to the screenSilly
Second-rate – mediocre, unexciting, nothing to write home about
Slow-moving – developing very slowly
Spine-tingling – enjoyably frighteningUnusual
Spooky – frightening and ghostly
Thought-provoking – stimulating you to think about something, often something you haven’t thought of before
Thrilling – exciting, action-packed
Underrated – much better than what people believe
Uplifting – making you feel happy and cheerful
Weepy (a film that makes you cry)
book the seats/tickets = to reserve the tickets in advance
bring out – to release a film, music album, or book
buy some popcorn
buy tickets
catch a movie
get a drink
give thumbs up= give positive reviews
go to a movie theater
pan something= to severely criticize something
read a movie review
see a movie
sit in an aisle seat
take a seat (at the front/ in the middle/at the back) = to find your row and number and sit down
wait in line
watch a movie trailer/ the credits/ the previews