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 1st  Session


Task 1


images (1).png

Before students enter the classroom, label some wall space with “Already Know” and “Want to Know.”    

As students enter the classroom, hand each of them two posits. When all are seated, have them complete the following steps:

• On one posit, write one thing you know about cinema.

• On the other one, write one thing you would like to learn about it.

 When students have finished writing, have each one share his/her response with the class by reading what they have written. Ask them to post the paper under the correct column. This will get students thinking about what they already know about cinema and things that would be interesting to find out.

already know i want to know.png

Task 2



Motivational activity. 

1st STEP: First, individually, we match the words with their definitions. Click on the pen to draw. Quickly! You only have 30 seconds.

2nd STEP: Then, in the groups, we put envelopes on the table and inside there are some words and their definitions. They have to speak about, match, and place them on a board with several columns: types of film/people/ film elements/ at the cinema… 


photo film strip.png

Task 3 



As homework they will have to create a portfolio in genially or in google sites where they are going to add their works during this UBPI and it will be evaluated (heteroevaluation and autoevaluation) LEO 20%>5%. 

Follow the tutorial to create it. 

Cámara vieja moda de la película
Portfolio checklist.png
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