English Teacher
3rd Session
Types of Films
Task 1
Task 2
“Can you name a movie…” The student has to find a different person for each question around the class and they have to answer them.
We do some exercises in the notebook.

Task 3

Vocabulary adquisition.
We distribute a LIST with the vocabulary of the unit.
Step 1: underline with a colour the words that you already knew.
Step 2: underline, with another colour, the words that you did not know, but whose meaning you can deduce (similar to Spanish, because of the prefixes, suffixes,...)
Step 3: Find out the meaning of the words you don't know the meaning of.
What do you do if you don't know a word? Just keep talking and try to explain it with your own words. We call that PARAPHRASING.
Choose one and write a sentence with it in a posit that will be posted on a collaborative mural in the class.
Step 4: to review and consolidate the vocabulary worked on, we create a word cloud in MENTI as brainstorming. We take a photo of the result and upload it to the portfolio.

Task 5

Task 4

In groups we watch the Kahoot about the type of films.

Audio: Description of films. In pairs listen and decide which type of film is being described from the following list:
horror films,
war films,
real-life films,
action films,
romantic films,
adventure films,
historical films.
There are 12 descriptions. Get your paper and pencil ready
Task 6

Milton Exercises 5%
UNIT 11: My favourite films. Types of films and TV programmes;