English Teacher
6th Session
Snack time
1st Video "Snack time".
Write in a sentence what is happening in this scene.

Task 1
Brainstorming the vocabulary about food, drinks, containers, size, and measure, (review countable and uncountable nouns and determiners: a/an, some/any), and write sentences in affirmative, negative, and interrogative, using the vocabulary with countable and uncountable nouns, and there is/are/was/were.
Task 2

We watch two short videos and answer the questions about them:
2nd Video "Grover at the movies".
Answer these questions:
* What kind of food does Grover offer to the customer?
* Do you like this kind of food?
* Can you name them?
* How many sizes of popcorn containers are there?
* What adjective and in which grade does he use?
* At what size are they equivalent?
Task 3
Reading comprehension and exercises.

Task 4

Review the conversation below.
Tim is at the concession stand at the movie theater. He is buying snacks.

Fill in the blank.
1. Another way to say “What would you like to buy?” is _____________. 2. The person selling food at a concession stand is called a _________________.
3. Items grouped together for a discount are called a ____________.
4. A great price for items included in a deal are called a ______________.
5. Another way to say “I do not want anything else” is _______________.

Practice the conversation below with your partner.
Situation: You are at the concession stand buying snacks. Ask the concession vendor if there are any deals and place an order. Then, reverse roles with your partner. Use the deals, food an drinks below in your conversation.
Task 5

Be careful!
Homework Writing: Describe a movie theater (cinema) you often visit. Explain why you go to that particular theater, where you usually sit inside (and why), and what kinds of refreshments, and snacks you buy to eat during the movie. You will have to upload it to your portfolio.