English Teacher
12th Session
My favourite film
Task 1

Listen to the speakers talking about their favourite films and do the following exercises to practise your listening skills.
1. Check your understanding: matching.
Do this exercise while you listen. Match the speaker to the genre of film. Write a–e next to the numbers 1– 5.
1…….. Speaker 1 a. A science fiction film
2…….. Speaker 2 b. A modern vampire film
3…….. Speaker 3 c. An action film
4…….. Speaker 4 d. A romance
5…….. Speaker 5 e. A romance based on a book
2. Check your understanding: gap fill.
Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the correct speaker: A (x2), B, C, D (x2), E (x3).
1. Speaker _______________ thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly.
2. Speaker _______________ says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.
3. Speaker _______________ likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction.
4. Speaker _______________ has seen their favourite film more than once.
5. Speaker _______________ prefers the first version of the film.
6. Speaker _______________ likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking.
7. Speaker _______________ likes a film which tells a love story over several years.
8. Speaker _______________ likes a film which shows bullying at school.
9. Speaker _______________ likes the scenes filmed in different countries.
Elevator Pitch
Task 2

Write in your notebook about your favourite film. You can follow the following Language Frame.

Task 3

Language Check Review
With the information given in the presentations, create a visual map of the Present simple and continuous. Upload to your portfolio. (LEO 20%> 5%)
Task 4

UNIT 12: What's about?
Entertainment and media. Present simple versus present continuous.