English Teacher
11th Session
Film Interview

Task 1

Speaking and listening practice doing the game “Ask somebody a question”.
STEP 1: Ask the 15 questions to 15 different partners.
STEP 2: Write the answer and add the name.
STEP 3: When we finish we answer the questions aloud in class in 3rd person,
e.g Do you drink in the cinema? What?
Yes, I do (Tom). I drink coke.
Tom/He drinks coke in the cinema.
Task 2

Write the possible questions for these answers in your notebook. Compare with a partner if you have finished before the music.

How to talk about movies: In pairs, the students use the following questions and structures to interview each other about their favourite movies.

Task 3

Task 4

Choose 6 sentences from the previous exercise and complete the chart in your notebook. (3 object questions and 3 subject questions).