7th Session
What´s the date?

Feedback about the alphabet: Unmask words. Find as many words as you can inside the following words. Then, you will have to spell those you find:
e.g. Please> sea>pea>see...
Task 1
Speaking activity in pairs about dates.
A.- Take it in turns to ask questions about the missing dates and fill in the table with your partners' answers.
Example: Q. What's the date in square C1?
A: It´s the ……….
B.- When you have finished, check your answers and spelling by comparing worksheets with your partner.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A.- Take it in turns to ask questions about the missing dates and fill in the table with your partners' answers.
Example: Q. What´s the date in square C1?
A: It´s the ……….
B.- When you have finished, check your answers and spelling by comparing worksheets with your partner.
Task 3
Task 4
Review of ordinal, cardinal numbers, dates and years with the rotating paper.
1st STEP: In the group, each member chooses a letter: A, B, C, D.
2nd STEP: On a paper, write the numbers that correspond to the chosen letter.
3rd STEP: Write the first number in words, and rotate the paper in the group.
A: B:
1- 1.841 1- 1.028
2- 452,603 2- 132,400
3- 20-- 3- 47--
4- 01/11/20 4- 19/08/23
C: D:
1- 1.302 1- 2.019
2- 618,480 2- 970,286 3- 31-- 3- 15--
4- 21/03/9 4- 02/01/22
Listen to the following video and answer:
What day is it?
What date is it?
Task 2

We remember the dates and the ordinal numbers in the language check.